
When you are labelled a terrorist because you defend your people’s rights

14 Ago 2018 - 00:11

More than 30 indigenous leaders and activists were named on the terrorist list submitted by Senior Assistant State Prosecutor Peter L. Ong to the Manila Court on 21st February

Update: Indigenous leaders are threatened by Duterte in the Philippines

21 Mar 2018 - 06:26

President Duterte’s administration has recently made international headlines through its war on drugs, where brutal methods have led to thousands of death

Dirigentes indígenas filipinos son víctimas de persecuciones

13 Mar 2018 - 19:38

La ONU ha documentado en los últimos años asesinatos de líderes, activistas y pobladores, incluidos niños. También se reportaron ataques a escuelas tribales y maestros.

Philippines: Distressing terrorist accusations against UN expert on indigenous peoples' rights and indigenous leaders

12 Mar 2018 - 04:31

The publication of this list is the most recent move by the government in a long conflict between defenders of indigenous peoples’ rights and the Duterte administration

Asia: Tifón deja al menos 240 muertos y destrucción en Filipinas

27 Dic 2017 - 05:17

240 muertes causó el paso de una poderosa tormenta por el sur de Filipinas durante la Navidad dejó muerte, destrucción y decenas de personas en refugios de emergencia.