América: Histórica oportunidad de avanzar en materia de DDHH con proyecto de Declaración Americana sobre los Derechos de los PI (luego inglés)
17 Abr 2008 - 11:03Por Amnistía Internacional
América: Denuncian a EEUU y Canadá por bloquear Declaración Americana sobre Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas (luego inglés)
15 Abr 2008 - 16:21Washington, D.C.
Perú: Participación indÃgena en la rueda de Houston (luego inglés)
26 Feb 2008 - 08:01A pedido de nuestros lect
ONU: En diciembre debatirán situación del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Poblaciones Indígenas (luego inglés)
2 Oct 2007 - 12:16Estimados hermanas y hermanos de las organizaciones indígenas:
United Nations General Assembly readies to vote historic Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
12 Sep 2007 - 11:56Bikram Lairenlakpam, Convenor
NU: So please try your best to influence your government to adopt the Declaration
13 Jun 2007 - 12:56Dear friends,
UN is asking to incorporate the comunication in the agenda of the Permanente Forum
24 Mayo 2007 - 13:04Intervention by Jorge Agurto, Perú, of Servindi Intercultural Communications Services at United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 6th Session, May 2007, Topic 9: Future work of the Forum, including new issues.
Perú: International Labour Organization Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries
3 Abr 2007 - 10:14The Working Group on Indigenous Peoples of the Peruvian Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos has subscribed an uprising in which it denounces repeated breaches of Agreement 169 of the OIT on Indigenous Towns on the part of the Peruvian state
Peruvian Government to Exclude Isolated Indigenous Peoples Reserves from Amazon Oil Concessions
10 Feb 2007 - 02:17La ONG estadounidense Amazon Watch ha hecho eco de la
EEUU: Statement of the Indian Law Resource Center regarding the delay in adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
28 Nov 2006 - 19:21November 28, 2006.- Several African nations, led by Namibia, were successful today in their bid to delay the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at a meeting of the Third Committee of the General Assembly
Colombia: The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) calls for international help against the extermination of indigenous people
6 Ago 2006 - 22:29Already four decades ago, the Colombian indigenous peoples began sistematically to construct a political proposal to realize their rights and save their identity, autonomy and dignity.
USA: Indignous peoples of the Caribbean protest against the new movie of Walt Disney Pictures
29 Jun 2006 - 00:10On Saturday, June 24 2006, the Garifuna American Heritage Foundation United (GAHFU), together with the United Confederation of Taíno People (UCTP) organized a peaceful protest against the World Premiere of Walt Disney Pictures´ Pirates of the Car
UN: Indigenous government is a key aspect of development
16 Mayo 2006 - 10:49Servindi, May 2006 .- One of the most relevant documents that was circulating in the 5th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, points out the importance of strengthening the government structures and institutions of the indigenou
Colombia: Indigenous peoples are in danger of disappearing
11 Mayo 2006 - 19:43Servindi, May 11th 2006.- In a report the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) calls the national and international attention to the serious human rights situation of the indigenous peoples Nukak Makú, Guayabero, Sikuani and Tucan
Perú: Critical comments regarding the establishment of the Sierra del Divisor nature reserve, by Beatriz Huertas
18 Abr 2006 - 02:05April 18th 2006.- The recently established Sierra del Divisor nature reserve is superimposed on territory inhabited by the indigenous Pano-speaking peoples in isolation, who refuse the establishment of contact with agents who are foreign to their