Strengthening the security of Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders in Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic
13 Ene 2021 - 10:13What the pandemic has highlighted is the critical importance of the work that Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRDs) perform daily in their communities.
Failure to comply with autonomous consultation protocols during Covid-19 in Brazil
3 Dic 2020 - 15:07In Brazil, the coronavirus pandemic has hit the indigenous peoples, quilombolas and other traditional peoples and communities especially hard.
Consultation or non-consultation: Here lies the dilemma
30 Nov 2020 - 10:34In Peru, there has so far only been one case in which consultation formats were developed, since the application of the principle of self-determination.
Autonomy of indigenous peoples: A pending issue for States
9 Nov 2020 - 09:36"Self-determination must be based on the recognition of the lands or territory of the indigenous people", said Francisco Calí, UN special rapporteur.
Indigenous Peoples call for climate action amidst global pandemic
7 Oct 2020 - 11:40Indigenous Peoples are concerned by the fact that vital climate negotiations for the planet’s survival have been postponed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Capitalizing Experiences on Territorial Governance Book Presentation
24 Sep 2020 - 14:58The presentation will take place on Friday, September 25, at 16:00 UTC (Peru, Ecuador, Colombia time) via Facebook Fanpage and Servindi’s YouTube channel.
Unplanned Highway Threatens the Native Communities of Yurúa
28 Ago 2020 - 12:44The UC-105 Nueva Italia Breu road could affect around 100,000 hectares of forests in about 5 years, the equivalent of 6 times the entire extension of the Province of Callao.
"We are going to be monitoring so that the State complies with the climate agreements"
28 Ago 2020 - 12:33The Awajún leader Edwin Montenegro said that “the State always makes agreements but does not comply. And with the changes of authorities we are harmed and we cannot advance"
To the rescue of the indigenous languages - the story of the KANQ Network (III)
26 Ago 2020 - 11:49"Language is one of the anchors of identity. At this time, the phenotype doesn't matter that much, but rather self-identification," said Irma Álvarez, a peruvian activist.
Indigenous messages to the world - the story of the KANQ Network (II)
20 Ago 2020 - 01:33“The indigenous communicators have a better understanding because they know first-hand the production cycle in communities and how they take care of Mother Earth".
Indigenous voices in Medellin - the story of the KANQ Network (I)
18 Ago 2020 - 12:06“It is necessary to share this learning in community media, organize this type of events or festivals in our own languages and reward the best content in communication”.
Hydroponics helps Kenyan youth keep farming during COVID-19
17 Ago 2020 - 22:04“We needed an alternative. We thought that, since we are young and open to new farming technologies, we should try hydroponics,” Stephen Kamau says.
IWGIA calls for global solidarity for Indigenous Peoples in these times of crisis
10 Ago 2020 - 20:06Despite these disproportionate challenges, today, we want to celebrate the resilience and strength Indigenous Peoples have continued to demonstrate throughout this pandemic
A Writ of Amparo Was Filed for Protection against Forest Concessions That Put Isolated Peoples at Risk
20 Jul 2020 - 00:21The Regional Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the East (ORPIO) filed a constitutional writ of amparo before the Superior Court of Justice of Loreto to protect the peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact (PIACI).
Violence, corruption, and false promises: Conservation and the Baka in Cameroon
1 Jul 2020 - 09:40This group of over 40,000 spread between the forests of Cameroon, the Republic of Congo and Gabon, practice hunting and foraging as a traditional livelihood.
Russian oil spill exposes history of Indigenous Peoples’ right violations
23 Jun 2020 - 23:18The spill occurred in the Arctic tundra, an extremely fragile ecosystem that is almost irreparably damaged when environmental disasters of such a scale happen.
The Serfor case: Who support the dismissal of the Serfor chief?
13 Jun 2020 - 07:43The forest managers of Loreto and Ucayali who supported the dismissal of Luis Gonzáles-Zúñiga register prosecution investigations for illegal trafficking in forest products.
The SERFOR Case: An Arbitrary Dismissal Story
7 Jun 2020 - 10:42The dismissed Serfor chief, Luis Alberto Gonzáles-Zúñiga, directly blames the minister for this portfolio for his sudden departure.