COP 23: The alternatives of Indigenous Amazonian Redd + RIA in Peru

Servindi, november 7, 2017.- The  Inter-ethnic Association of the Peruvian Forest Development (AIDESEP, in Spanish) will present the The alternatives of Indigenous Amazonian Redd +  (RIA) of Peru in 15 million hectares of tropical forests in the Conference of the Parts (COP23).

The event will take place on november 8th, from 3:30 to4:45 p. m., in the Indigenous Pavillion in the Bonn Zone, in Germany.

During the event, AIDESEP and its associates will share alternatives about Indigenous action to brake Mega drivers which challenge the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

This action includes the climatic ambition, holistic management, integration between mitigation-adaptation, economy of "Full Life", MRV Indigenous, Redd+ beyond carbon and market and without “carbon pirates” as provided for in the Paris Agreements.

AIDESEP will also provide a space for dialogue between indigenous actors, governments, cooperation, environmentalists and entrepeneurs about indigenous alternatives to stop the climatic catastrophe.

The event will start projecting the video Deforestation in Peru and indigenous alternatives about NDC.

Some participants of the event are Jamner Manihuari, a Kukama Kukamiria people from AIDESEP, Julio Cusurichi, a Shipibo people from FENAMAD, Jorge Pérez, a Murui people from ORPIO, Nery Zapata, a Yine people from AIDESEP, Josefina Brana-Varela from WWF, peruvian Environment ministry, and Meryl Cohen from Forest Trends.

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